Toledo Express Airport, which has never lived up to expectations, opened with fanfare in 1954.
Category: Special events

Toledo Images in Time
The Toledo-Lucas County Public Library’s “Images in Time” archive has some photos of Toledo that are too good to ignore.

The King and Queen of Greece visit Toledo
Quite possibly the only visit by royalty to Toledo happened in November 1953, when the King and Queen of Greece spent a day in the Glass City.

The 1908 G.A.R. Encampment
The 1908 Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic was possibly Toledo’s biggest convention ever.

Roy Knabenshue and Toledo No. 1
The aviation pioneer made Toledo one of his proving grounds for his lighter-than-air craft.

Soybean Jesus visits Fostoria
Rusty tanks in Fostoria revealed an image of Jesus in 1986, some say.

Elvis hits town, and hits somebody too
The 21-year-old singer stopped in Toledo on Thanksgiving day 1956, played two shows at the Sports Arena, and beat up a guy later at the Commodore Perry Hotel.